§ 1.01. Buffer Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The buffer requirements shall conform to the distances which are indicated in the Buffer Matrix.


    The City reserves the discretion to increase or decrease the buffer requirements, if necessary, to promote or protect the public health, safety or welfare. These requirements may be amended, supplemented, changed, modified or repealed by the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Midfield. The Planning Commission and the City Council may propose changes and hold public hearings (public notice of which may be posted) for the consideration of any proposed buffer amendment.


    The planning commission reserves the right to require additional buffer supplements, over and above the prescribed buffer widths as shown in the Buffer Matrix. Air and noise pollution; nuisances; the contiguous location of incompatible land uses; and, other factors shall be the grounds for additional buffer requirements.


    Plans for large buffer areas, between incompatible uses, shall be represented in scaled drawings, indicating: contours, areas with planted material, berms (natural and artificial), etc. Impervious surfaces shall be reduced to an absolute minimum and all water runoff and drainage facilities shall be adequately shown in these drawings.


    In large commercial and industrial areas, parking areas/lots may be used as a part of a barrier, only in the fulfillment of the distance requirements provided in the Buffer Matrix. Other significant factors, such as: air pollution, noise pollution, drainage and surface runoff occurring due to large paved, parking lots, large impervious surface areas, the nature of an operation, and other factors shall be adequately accounted for through the use of trees, shrubs, berms, drainage systems and other appropriate measures.